Social Justice

Humans are social animals that are binded by strong bonds and ties that surpasses any kind.Humans also bounded by laws and customs that keeps him in line within the boundaries that end in conflicts.We strive to harmonise and emphasise on peaceful co-existence between communities and societies at large. By representing the marginalised in their respective aspects/rights,that either misused,misappropriated,embezzled,mistakenly aggravated,forceful evictions and such that fall on litigational procedures or pro-bornos.We provide in-depth analysis in to the underlying issue and execute to the best of our ability by incorporating the right teamwork and the proponents plus the stakeholders in deriving amicable resolutions that culminates on peaceful co-existence and articulating the rights of the marginalised,the disabled and women who mostly are unrepresented,therefore leading to denial of justice or delays due to various factors within the judicial systems.We bring on board various legal practitioners and activists that are focused on initiating change through law and justice.We organise para-legals,legal clinics,advocacies and campaigns that highlight on the plights of the victims.

Download Latewa  Memorandum of  Appearance
Download Latewa List of Documents
Download Latewa Notice  of Motion
Download Latewa Witness Statement


Socially concered

Socially concered

Socially concered

Supporting creativity

Socially concered

Quality first

Socially concered

Community driven